Boat Projects
Boat - Sailing

Whistle while you work, Whistle while you work!

Last Updated on October 18, 2023 by Jill

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Well, we haven’t necessarily been whistling while we work but we have been working our butts off!

We are working on getting our boat ready for her first big trip.  Stay tuned for more information on that in an upcoming post.  So, in order for that, we are trying to complete a list of items that need to be done prior to pushing off.  It is a decent list but we are knocking things off at a steady pace.  I will have separate posts on some of the bigger projects we have been working on soon.

On top of projects, I am trying to continue organizing and getting things onto the boat from the trailer.  I know it seems like I have been working on this for a long time.  Well, I have.  But, I am also doing it while working on other projects, working part-time, and fighting the heat.  It is taking longer than I thought or hoped.  Hopefully, I can cross that off my list soon.

Items from trailer

I have gone through all of our household items and put away those that we want on the boat.  Now, I am working on our bins of boat stuff that we have been collecting since we decided to buy a sailboat.  There are a lot more things than I thought.  Always the case isn’t it?  Happy to say I am making a lot of headway on those bins, only a bit more to go.


So far I have reorganized the cabinets I think 3 times and there is probably another organization coming.  As I bring new things aboard something no longer works in its current spot.  There is also the “I have lived with it here for several weeks and it just doesn’t work here” situation.  So, I am trying to find the perfect spot for everything which is a task, to say the least.

Whistle while you work, whistle while you work!

Anyway back to our projects.  Some of the projects we have been able to cross off are installing a new radar (which involved my first trip up the mast), installing our aft and forward arches, cleaning out the bilges, new lifeline netting, new lifeline, and there are probably more things I can’t seem to remember right now.  I have included a little clip of pictures I have been taking while we have been doing these projects.

In Other News

We sold the plane!  Yes, you read that right we sold the plane in about a month of it going up for sale.  This is WAY faster than we ever thought it would sell.  We are super sad to see it go but better for it to get flown than sitting in a hanger.

Well, lots left to do,

Have a great weekend,


One comment on “Whistle while you work, Whistle while you work!

  1. Very interesting Jill. Thanks for sharing. The toilet tissue video was interesting too. I am always trying different paper in the motor home. Now I’m going to be looking for Angel Soft or Aqua Soft.

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