
Hi There!

Welcome to Another Adventure!  This is our story of the adventures we take traveling on sea and land.  We are Jill and Dave sailing with our two pups Izzy and Sadie.  We are two people who love adventure and travel, fell in love and got a dog named Izzy…Then we got another dog named Sadie.

We have both always loved to travel but I had never experienced the excitement of sailing until I met Dave.  I had been on boats growing up but never on a sailboat.  Dave has owned several boats and always had a passion for it long before we met.  Our first sailing trip was down to the British Virgin Islands where I instantly fell in love with sailing.  However, being that it was my first trip I felt very un-useful and helpless, which is something I hate.  I decided before our next trip that I would get my skippers license so that I had a little more knowledge.  Dave already had his skippers license and it turned out to be a great idea that I got mine.

Our next trip was to the Greek Isles and it was a requirement to have two skippers licensed onboard the boat.  Whoohoo!  We were set.  Our passion for sailing continues to grow.  Along with sailing, we plan to buy a boat and move onboard and become full-time liveaboards.  Until that happens and we find the right boat we still enjoy traveling on land so join us as we detail our adventures on this website.  We hope you enjoy and live your life full of adventures.

Thanks for stopping by!